
Want to help to keep the history alive?

Read our message below

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Help us grow our traveling museum!

When we give lectures at organisations or schools, we bring our traveling museum with us. The items in our museum are items we collected over the years, but also items we received from relatives as a donation to our foundation.

We are growing our traveling museum by adding new stories. To support these stories, we use the items we received. This is a way to keep the story of a soldier alive.

Of course financial donations are very welcome too. Feel free to contact us or use the donate button below to our Go Fund Me page.

Our promise

Want our audience to see and feel history? Are you thinking about donating items? Know that we handle your family relics with care and respect. We are history buffs and not a trading company! So, if you are willing to donate items to our traveling museum, we promise you:

 - We won't sell items which are donated to us

 - All items will be stored carefully

 - Items will be used during lectures in schools, museums and organisations.

 - We will always discuss your personal wishes and send you an agreement on paper.

Contact us to discuss the possibilities.

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