What others do

What others do

It's good that there are more organisations and foundations out there who do their bit in commemorating and honouring the soldiers who fought in the wars. Some work on their own, some work together. We prefer to share our knowledge and find ways to make each other better, and above all, respect each other. We are all honoring a legacy of the people who fought for us.

Here you find links to the websites of organisations and people we support or work with.

Battle of the Bulge Tours

One of the best tour guides and knowledgeable people when it comes to the Battle of the Bulge; Bob is the go-to person when it comes to tours in the Ardennes.

The Ardennes is a magical place. If you look close enough, the scars of war are still visible in the area of where the German army launched their offensive.

Link to website

Le coquelicot

Following their footsteps; going back into histroy of the First World War in Northern France, our friend Valerie guides people around to the cemeteries and the places where it actually happened.

Visiting their website, you will get an impression but rest assured that a visit to the battlefields will not be a disappointment.

Link to website

The Canadian Soldier SLGA

'The Canadian Soldier' is a living history group from The Netherlands. As a foundation, we have the privilege to work with this group on several occasions. These guys are skilled, professional and above all knowledgeable with all they do.

And maybe the most important thing is that they bring history back alive, which helps other generations to understand more about the war.

Link to website

48th Highlanders Pipes and Drums

The sound of Pipes and Drums is breathtaking. Especially when this group is playing. During ceremonies and events, you might find this fantastic group of people. They spent the summer of 2023 on Sicily during the 80 year commemorations of the invasion of that Island. We experienced firsthand the magnificent sound of the pipes and drums being played 80 years after the battles took place. Of course you find them on many more events, so feel free to check out their website.

Link to website
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