We could call ourselves battlefield guides. That would be a fairly good description of what we do, but we feel it's much more than that. We Explore! Going out there, visiting the historical places, trying to figure out what happened and visualising the story behind it. We don't just tell you about the heroic, sad or spectacular stories, we tell you what actually happened and where it happened and discuss it. We explore together.
We can help you retrace your family history. We have helped many famililies retrace their father or grandfather's footsteps on the former battlefields. It's rewarding to bring sons, daughters, grandchildren or other members of the family to the places their relative fought. We research for you and then we explore together.
We don't just explore the military side of the war but we also have members that can help you with Holocaust-related questions and visits.
Don't hesitate, if you have questions, send us an email
All the soldiers buried at the cemeteries were human beings like all of us. They had their own story, family, friends and loved ones. That's why we collect stories of the soldiers and try to find as many pictures as possible. That way we can present the world who they were. We should always remember them for bringing us peace, safety and freedom.
Monuments are a great way of preserving history. One of our goals is to erect monuments and plaques on specific places of historical significance.
We also support other foundations with their projects. We believe it is never about us, it's always about them; the people who fought and died for our freedom. That's why we believe foundations and local groups should work together and really spread their legacy.
Education is a form of exploring. We want to teach the youth about history. We are open to giving guest lectures at schools and colleges to help the next generations understand more about what happened in our recent history
Located in The Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce: 85474754